Random signal processing Xidian Zhao Guoqing

Random signal processing Xidian Zhao Guoqing

Xidianstochastic signal processingZhao Guoqing

Random signals, also known as uncertain signals, refer to signals that cannot be expressed by a certain time function and are called random signals. Generally, the frequency domain of this type of signal is continuous, while the function signal is an intermittent random signal that cannot be described by a certain mathematical relationship. It cannot predict any future instantaneous value. Any observation only represents its range of variation. One of the possible results, whose value changes obey statistical laws. It is not a definite function of time, and it has no definite function value at any time within the domain of definition.

Total of 72 lessons1 days and 3 hours and 40 minutes and 35 seconds

High Frequency Circuit

High Frequency Circuit

XidianHigh Frequency CircuitChen Jian

Total of 110 lessons1 days and 16 hours and 7 minutes and 48 seconds

Signals and Systems (Xidian Premium Course)

Signals and Systems (Xidian Premium Course)

Signals and SystemsXidian

Total of 59 lessons1 days and 16 hours and 42 minutes and 34 seconds




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