Data Structures and Algorithms Zhang Ming, Peking University

Data Structures and Algorithms Zhang Ming, Peking University

data structurealgorithmTreepicture

This course will lead us to learn based on the idea of ​​"algorithm + data structure = program" and be guided by problem solving. I hope it can help everyone improve their theory, abstraction, and design abilities. On the basis of solid classical theory, use problem abstraction, data abstraction, and algorithm abstraction to analyze problems, and apply appropriate data structures and algorithms to design and implement corresponding programs. Through course study, your abstract thinking ability and problem-solving ability will be greatly improved, and your programming ability and code quality will make a qualitative leap!

Total of 53 lessons12 hours and 52 minutes and 52 seconds

Data structures and algorithms

Data structures and algorithms

data structurealgorithmSmall turtle

Data structures and algorithms, a compulsory computer course, have always been extremely boring and sleep-inducing no matter which school you go to. However, Little Turtle decided to put a lot of effort into making this course a gorgeous, fun, illustrated course!

Total of 99 lessons1 days and 4 hours and 8 minutes and 39 seconds

data structure

data structure

University of Electronic Science and Technology of Chinadata structureLuo Wuman

Luo Wuman Data Structure University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Total of 41 lessons1 days and 7 hours and 52 minutes and 51 seconds




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