Live replay: Fujitsu FRAM encryption algorithm (spectrum)-free true and false verification solution security innovation, the world's first new verification method

Live replay: Fujitsu FRAM encryption algorithm (spectrum)-free true and false verification solution security innovation, the world's first new verification method

FORWARDFujitsuNo encryption algorithmTrue fake verification

Fujitsu Semiconductor launches new FUJITSU FRAM (ferroelectric random access memory) built-in embedded verification LSI "MB94R340/350" solution. This technology is a new generation verification LSI chip developed for customers who "despite the use of sophisticated encryption algorithms, counterfeit products still appear on the market." It is a solution that uses the operating noise signal of FRAM to verify authenticity. . Features: 1. Key theft will not occur (no key), achieving high security at low cost; 2. Weak and complex analog signals (working noise) can achieve the expected value of verification, and have strong resistance to prevent dead copying. . Application fields: Authenticity verification of printer ink cartridges, FA modules such as PCP IP and PLC, medical equipment, computer or mobile phone batteries, and IoT terminal equipment.

Total of 1 lessons40 minutes and 10 seconds

Live replay: Fujitsu empowers automotive electronics technology revolution

Live replay: Fujitsu empowers automotive electronics technology revolution

FORWARDFujitsuFujitsuGlasses-free 3D

High-performance FRAM is the ideal choice for optimizing systems and processing data information in the fields of FA, medical and automotive electronics; 3D Global, the pioneer of naked-eye 3D video technology ① Introduction to Fujitsu relay products and their application in the automotive market ② Shindengen products in Introduction to automotive market applications and sharing of new applications; automotive information display system

Total of 4 lessons1 hours and 27 minutes and 18 seconds




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