Live replay: Avnet&Micron unlocks the black technology of automotive electronics and creates a new realm of future driving

Live replay: Avnet&Micron unlocks the black technology of automotive electronics and creates a new realm of future driving


With the development of intelligent interconnection, autonomous driving, and electric vehicles, the development of automotive electronics technology and products is changing with each passing day and is experiencing unprecedented innovation. The most important role of automotive electronics is to improve the safety, comfort, economy, intelligence and entertainment of cars. However, smarter cars need to process and store large amounts of data at high speeds. When the demands of infotainment, communications, ADAS, gateways and power control systems are concurrent, higher requirements are placed on bandwidth and storage capabilities. In order to give you a deeper understanding of automotive electronics storage solutions and advances in human-vehicle interaction, this seminar invites experts from Micron and Avnet to explain in detail the next generation of automotive memory and overall solutions for smart cockpits and assisted driving to help you Understand future automotive technology trends and solve the challenges of rapid business innovation.

Total of 2 lessons1 hours and 16 minutes and 17 seconds




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