Live replay: ROHM focuses on the practical selection and use of bipolar transistors

Live replay: ROHM focuses on the practical selection and use of bipolar transistors


In recent years, automobiles and industrial equipment have been moving towards high voltage. On the other hand, in order to achieve a carbon-free society, higher requirements have been placed on the efficiency of power components from the perspectives of greater energy saving and miniaturization. In addition, in application fields such as consumer electronics and automotive, power components are also required to be able to cut off current when a short circuit occurs and have higher short-circuit tolerance. ROHM has always positioned the semiconductor component business as the core business of the group, and has been continuously carrying out development, production and sales activities since the 1960s. At present, it has a large share in the small signal transistor market. Looking ahead, the market size is expected to continue to grow in a wide range of fields, led by the automotive and industrial equipment markets.

Total of 1 lessons31 minutes and 17 seconds




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