Live broadcast replay: Learn about the hard technology behind humanoid robots

Live broadcast replay: Learn about the hard technology behind humanoid robots


As the ultimate solution for artificial intelligence, humanoid robots can interact with the environment, perform autonomous planning, decision-making, action, and execution like humans. Powerful functions also mean that systems including structure, sensing, drive, and control systems are much more complex than industrial robots. In the robotics market, Infineon provides a powerful product portfolio including motion control, environmental sensing, high-efficiency power supplies and chargers, auxiliary power supplies for sensors, digital and analog logic, and safety, providing a total solution from perception to execution, making it convenient for engineers to use integrated functional building blocks, thereby lowering the development threshold, shortening the customer's R&D cycle, and contributing to the development of humanoid robots. This seminar will introduce the current status and future development applications of robots based on Infineon products, as well as solutions and successful cases based on Infineon products in robotic applications.

Total of 3 lessons56 minutes and 32 seconds

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

MicrochiptouchMicrochip application solutionsSensing

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 30 seconds




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