Introduction to PIC® microcontroller and LED driver and control related peripherals (Part 1)

Introduction to PIC® microcontroller and LED driver and control related peripherals (Part 1)


This lesson introduces the introduction of PIC® microcontrollers and LED driver and control related peripherals (Part 1)

Total of 1 lessons9 minutes and 47 seconds

PIC32 audio development board

PIC32 audio development board

MicrochipUSBPIC32Audio Codec

This video introduces the hardware and features of Microchip's PIC32 audio development board, and demonstrates the audio playback and recording functions of the PIC32 audio development board.

Total of 1 lessons4 minutes and 45 seconds

Microchip PIC24F Android Accessory Development Platform

Microchip PIC24F Android Accessory Development Platform


This article introduces the development boards and software libraries included in the toolkit for Android system development.

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 43 seconds

Introducing the ultra-low power series microcontrollers using nanoWatt XLP technology

Introducing the ultra-low power series microcontrollers using nanoWatt XLP technology

MicrochipUltra low power consumptionnanoWattXLP

Introducing the ultra-low power series microcontrollers using nanoWatt XLP technology

Total of 1 lessons2 minutes and 12 seconds

PIC12F(HV)752/PIC16F(HV)753 Product Overview for Lighting Solutions

PIC12F(HV)752/PIC16F(HV)753 Product Overview for Lighting Solutions


This video introduces the device features, functional peripherals, application examples of PIC12F(HV)752 and PIC16F(HV)753, as well as solutions for different lighting needs.

Total of 1 lessons12 minutes and 39 seconds

Comparison of low-power MCUs: nanoWatt XLP vs. MSP430

Comparison of low-power MCUs: nanoWatt XLP vs. MSP430

MSP430MicrochipLow power consumptionnanoWatt XLP

Comparison of low-power MCUs: nanoWatt XLP vs. MSP430

Total of 1 lessons5 minutes and 6 seconds

Infineon XC82x83x series product introduction

Infineon XC82x83x series product introduction


Infineon XC82x83x series product introduction

Total of 1 lessons37 minutes and 40 seconds

PSoC Creative Project Display: Smartphone Battery Charger Based on PSoC3

PSoC Creative Project Display: Smartphone Battery Charger Based on PSoC3

battery chargerCypressPSoC

PSoC creative project display: Smartphone battery charger based on PSoC3-Shandong University

Total of 2 lessons2 minutes and 39 seconds

How to use lookup tables to generate state machines in PSoC 3/5

How to use lookup tables to generate state machines in PSoC 3/5

CypressPSoCPSoC Creator

This video introduces the method of using PSoC Creator software to generate a state machine in PSoC 3/5 through a lookup table.

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 39 seconds

Dual motor control using PSoC3

Dual motor control using PSoC3

motor controlStepper MotorCypressPSoC3

This video introduces and demonstrates how to use PSoC3 to control two stepper motors simultaneously.

Total of 1 lessons5 minutes and 47 seconds

MIPS related videos

MIPS related videos


MIPS related videos

Total of 9 lessons25 minutes and 55 seconds

Identification error when designing USB HID device with PSoC

Identification error when designing USB HID device with PSoC


This video introduces a method to solve the "recognition error" problem when designing USB HID devices using PSoC.

Total of 1 lessons4 minutes and 37 seconds




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