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MCP6V01 Thermocouple Auto-Zero Reference Design

Total of 1 lesson ,4 minutes and 54 seconds

The MCP6V01 Thermocouple Auto-Zero Reference Design (Part Number: MCP6V01RD-TCPL) demonstrates how to use a differential amplifier system to measure the electromotive force (EMF) voltage at the cold junction of a thermocouple to accurately measure the temperature at the hot junction of the thermocouple. This is achieved with the MCP6V01 auto-zeroing op amp due to its ultra-low offset voltage (VOS) and high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR).


  • Uses a differential amplifier system as analog sensor conditioning circuit

  • Uses K-type thermocouple for temperature detection

  • Temperature range -100°C to +1000°C

  • Uses MCP9800 temperature sensor for thermocouple cold junction compensation

  • Uses USB interface for transmission Data to PC

  • Test points for benchmarking work

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