The LT®3090 is a low-noise negative voltage regulator programmable with a single resistor based on a current reference architecture. The advantage of this architecture is programmable rail-to-rail output voltage while always maintaining unity gain operation. Therefore, bandwidth/transient response, noise, PSRR, and load regulation are not affected by the output voltage.
In addition, the LT3090 features programmable current limit, positive or negative current monitoring, programmable cable drop compensation and bidirectional shutdown, and can be easily paralleled for higher current operation or to spread heat on surface mount circuit boards . The LT3090's low noise and rich features make it ideal for a variety of applications.
With the advent of the era of the Internet of Everything, the way objects are connected is also evolving with the times. If sensors are the sense of touch of the Internet of Things, then wireless tran
I am using 101, the nominal maximum frequency is 36MHz, it can be used even if it is over 48MHz, but will there be any hidden dangers? The ADC sampling time is the fastest at 1us when ADCCLK = 14MHz (
Windows CE ROM Image Builder v4.0.000 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Built: Jun 16 2004 15:09:27 Warning: Found duplicate entry 'binfs.dll NK F:\WINCE500\PBWorkspaces\wince4\RelDir\smdk2440_ARMV4