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Reduce EMI with 42V, 5A synchronous step-down Silent Switcher

Total of 1 lesson ,5 minutes and 52 seconds

The LT8640 is a 42V, 5A synchronous buck regulator using Silent Switcher architecture. Silent Switchers minimize EMI emissions and do not require metal shielding or slow switching edges. This achieves excellent EMI performance and provides high efficiency at high switching frequencies. Peak efficiency for a 12VIN to 5VOUT application can be greater than 96% at 1MHz switching frequency and almost 95% at 2MHz switching frequency. The 5A synchronous buck features a low quiescent current of 2.5µA, a wide input voltage range to 42V, short minimum on-time and low dropout voltage, all in a small 3mm x 4mm QFN package.

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