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Wide VIN range buck regulator consumes only 2.8µA input current

Total of 1 lesson ,5 minutes and 12 seconds

Battery life is extremely important in new battery-powered systems. Portable applications such as remote sensors require voltage regulators with low current standby states that can simultaneously deliver high power pulses.

Linear Technology's LT®3970/LT3971 leads the industry in low-current standby mode, consuming only 2.8µA of input current under no-load conditions when regulating a 3.3V output. These products can efficiently deliver output currents up to 1.2A and 350mA from inputs up to 38V. The quiescent current of the LT3970 and LT3971 is lower than the self-discharge rate of most batteries, making them an excellent choice for systems with tight power budgets that require a full-featured buck regulator.

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