Hello everyone:From today on, welcome everyone to join our power management section. We hope to provide a broad communication platform for power management enthusiasts, so that everyone can learn from
Is there any way to prevent certain code segments of a thread from being preempted under the Linux system, just like the EnterCritical function on the microcontroller RTOS?
Live broadcast time: 10:00-11:30 am, September 24, 2019 (Tuesday)Live broadcast topic: TI FPD-Link III automotive chipset, an ideal solution for automotive video transmission
Live broadcast content:
1 OverviewSimply speaking, from a picture in ug585 , the startup of Linux in Zynq can be divided into hardware initialization and software startup. Hardware initialization includes power-on ( POR ), r
Although DSL technology can transmit voice and broadband data services on a twisted pair, it can only provide one voice channel and cannot realize voice and data transmission simultaneously in DSL. If
Use the following module, the driver is normal. [img]http://img5.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=1682978063,1585697586&fm=23&gp=0.jpg[/img] I bought a 15m USB type A-USB type B (USB square port) online to replac