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Seat ventilation application explanation of embedded motor driver SoC NSUC1610

Total of 1 lesson ,6 minutes and 19 seconds

With the intelligent development of automobile cockpits, its comfort has attracted more and more attention from users. In order to improve the user experience, more and more actuators are used in the cockpit to improve the comfort of the cockpit, and seat ventilation is one of the applications. Nanochip NSUC1610 is an ARM MCU that integrates a 4-way half-bridge driver. As a single-chip automotive small motor driver SoC, NSUC1610 supports direct power supply from 12V automotive batteries, complies with AEC-Q100 standards, and has a wide range of uses in the automotive field. It is suitable for controlling low-power motors and can drive BDC, BLDC and stepper motors. It helps customers reduce PCB size, simplify production design, and achieve more efficient, compact and cost-effective motor control designs.

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