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From 0 to 1: Tutorial on Raspberry Pi and the Internet of Things (English)

Total of 32 lessons ,5 hours and 57 minutes and 15 seconds

This is an IoT course for everyone - simple and practical, taking you from absolute beginner to solid intermediate - with tutorials centered around a Raspberry Pi-based smart home.

This is a course for everyone. You don't have to be an electrical engineer, and you don't have to be an engineer. We explain all engineering or automation concepts from scratch.

This is an IoT course, not just a Raspberry Pi course. This is important because we think too many courses end up being like manuals for a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino, or some specific hardware device. This course will take you to a solid intermediate level. Our goal is to get you to the point where if you imagine a really cool IoT application, you will be able to independently figure out how to implement it.


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