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Highlights of the 2014 Altera Cup College Student Electronic Design Competition

Total of 1 lesson ,9 minutes and 52 seconds

First place:
(1) Beidou Navigation System: Satellite signal reception and conversion, Altera SoC correctly processes and outputs positioning/time information.
(2) Target tracking platform: FPGA is responsible for rapid recognition, and the system also has a camera and VGA interface. When the target is acquired in the camera, the system will track the target and draw a pencil line on the flat surface. HPS is used for control and input and output.
(3) Automatic Rubik's Cube dismantling hand: FPGA is used for motor control and VGA interface output.
Gesture recognition system for medical use: Visual C++ and OpenCV libraries are used for desktop development, and FPGA is used to match CAM input and VGA output.

(4) Scanning and 3D scene reconstruction system: including FPGA, HDS, and analog-to-digital converter.

Works that won the Altera Cup:

    Signal generator, which supports standard signals, MATLAB files, and hand-drawn signals. The GUI, controls, and inputs all come from a Linux-based system.

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