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Live replay: Protecting clean water - ADI water quality monitoring solution

Total of 1 lesson ,43 minutes and 31 seconds

As the country invests in environmental protection, the demand for the management, protection and testing of industrial water, residential drinking water, rivers and lakes and other water sources continues to increase. For the needs of water quality testing, ADI provides complete and high-performance solutions, whether it is a traditional discrete solution or the latest fully integrated solution.
In this speech, we will focus on introducing a newly launched product (ADuCM355) and the unique advantages it can bring to customers' product designs. This is a highly integrated multi-parameter measurement solution for water quality monitors that uses a powerful on-chip system capable of controlling and measuring electrochemical sensors and biosensors.
This product integrates an ultra-low-power ARM® Cortex™-M3 processor and a multi-channel analog front end, which can connect multiple electrodes simultaneously and measure multiple parameters by programming the state machine loop. It enables monitoring and measurement of five parameters through a single platform, including TEM (temperature), DO (dissolved oxygen), EC (conductivity), pH and turbidity

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