Reprinted from: deyisupport As automotive electrical systems increasingly adopt smaller and smarter integrated circuits (ICs), it's time to start solving the problem that everyone has overlooked: Why
I would like to ask all the experts, I use IAR programming (msp430F2132 chip), when the protues software simulation appears Unrecognized instruction (0x0000) at 0x000000, how to solve it? ? ? ? [[i] T
1. In simulation, some non-port signals, such as SIGNAL and VARIABLE, are not in the all list of node finder, and their simulation waveforms cannot be created. What should I do? Moreover, some SIGNALs
With just this circuit, there is no need to shift gears or change the plug-in jumpers. You only need to arrange the seats of the three "guests" of ground, signal and load to achieve switching between