Here, you will learn basic electronic devices and circuits (semiconductor devices, basic amplifier circuits, power amplifier circuits), circuit characteristic analysis (frequency response, feedback amplifier circuit), and the application of electronic circuits (analog integrated circuit basics, integrated Application of operational amplifier circuits, DC stabilized power supply) and other classic and up-to-date knowledge
I have recently posted several posts about different microcontrollers without any code or technical problems. Well, I will continue today with 430. Speaking of which, 430 is the earliest TI microcontr
[table=98%][tr][td][font=宋体][font=黑体][size=4]Chapter 1: [/size][/font][/font] [font=宋体][font=黑体][size=4]A friend of mine, who had a broken heart, wrote a blog post titled "Getting Out", recalling the
[i=s]This post was last edited by ginny on 2017-3-19 18:10[/i] [align=center][color=rgb(62,62,62)] [/color][/align][align=center][color=rgb(62,62,62)]Cool colorful origami lanterns. [/color][/align] [
I am a beginner writing decoder program source code under quartus7.2 as follows library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity decoder is port(sel:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); enable:std_logic; Y:
When we use ADC, we sometimes need to monitor the ADC value within a certain range. Traditional polling processing is often not timely enough. Adding two voltage comparators to the periphery increases