A newbie needs help. This is the topic of my graduation project. This is my first time using ZigBee. I bought two CC2530s and did some experiments on communication. Now I want to implement an indoor p
I don't know how to do string operations in ads. For example, I read the time register to get the year, month, and day, and combined them to show May 5, 2007. I don't know how to add the Chinese chara
The fast pace of modern life often leads to neglect of one's health. In fact, exercise can make people happy and strengthen their bodies.When I was studying, I always had the habit of exercising, and
I created a new project, the target device stm32F103c8 was compiled successfully, and I can directly burn it into it using JLINK Flash, but I can't download it using Keil MDK, and it prompts "cannot e
The select() system call provides a mechanism for implementing synchronous I/O multiplexing: #include
int select(int n, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);