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What are the success factors of Silicon Valley?

Total of 1 lesson ,37 minutes and 23 seconds

Silicon Valley has a total population of 2.4 million, provides 1 million job opportunities, and has an unemployment rate of 9% (the California average is 11%). The average working day is 9.5 hours, and there are 7,000 job types, such as HR (human resources), marketing, etc. Farm equipment, aerospace/defense, and semiconductors are the three major industries.
Silicon Valley's success factors: In terms of talent, 53% of engineers are foreign-born, and 50% of CEOs and founders of technology companies are foreign-born. Silicon Valley hopes the government should issue more H-1 visas to foreigners.
There are many universities in Silicon Valley. Unlike other universities, they also have adventure and risk courses, and 25% of business courses involve investment and financing. Silicon Valley-style success model: innovate and make money.
The weather here is also great, and many people like to live here...
Speaker: Steve Wright, Vice President of Strategic Communications, Silicon Valley Leadership Group

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