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Explore Google and NASA’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Total of 1 lesson ,6 minutes and 27 seconds

 Quantum computers can perform operations thousands of times faster than traditional computers. Google claims that the powerful computing power of quantum computers can help solve many difficult problems in the field of machine learning. Machine learning is an artificial intelligence science. Personalized search, facial speech recognition, etc. all use machine learning. For NASA, quantum computing can be used in many fields such as robotics, space exploration, and air traffic control.

The "Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory" will be located at NASA's Ames Research Center. The non-profit organization "College Space Research Association" is responsible for the daily operation of the D-Wave quantum computer, and researchers around the world can also apply to share the operating time of the equipment.

 This quantum computer is manufactured by Canadian company D-Wave Systems and is expected to cost US$15 million. This is the second commercial quantum computer sold by the company. Lockheed Martin previously purchased a D-Wave quantum computer in 2011.

  One of the main differences between quantum computers and traditional computers is that traditional computers only use two states, 1 and 0, to record data and perform calculations, while quantum computers can use multiple different quantum states at the same time,
so have greater information storage and Processing power is considered to be the direction of future computer development.

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