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2014 Infineon Automotive Electronics Developer Conference Live

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The 2014 Infineon Automotive Electronics Developer Conference was held grandly at the Shanghai International Convention Center on November 6. More than 600 guests attended this industry event and the venue was packed.
The opening ceremony kicked off with an ink dance performance by two dancers waving their long sleeves and depicting the theme of this year's event "Joining Strength and Win-win" with ink. Ms. Xu Hui, Senior Director of Infineon Technologies China Co., Ltd. and Head of the Automotive Electronics Division, delivered the opening speech. Later, Ms. Xu Yanhua, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, delivered a keynote speech at the conference, sharing the industry trends that China's automobiles will move toward electrification and intelligence. and development opportunities for local businesses. As the introduction video of Infineon's automotive electronics ecosystem was played, Infineon's Asia-Pacific engineering team and strategic business project team made their debut through a combination of comics and reality shows.

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