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The hitchhiking journey of the beheaded and dismembered hitchhiking robot HitchBOT "before death"

Total of 1 lesson ,6 minutes and 55 seconds

The robot HitchBOT took a hitchhiking trip. It could laugh and talk, but could not walk. It found rides with passers-by and completed its journey in Canada and Europe. However, its happy journey ended not long after it arrived in the United States.

HitchBOT is a robot with a relatively simple design. The head is an LCD screen to display smiling faces and dialogue content. There is a solar cell on the belly. It has a built-in camera and GPS positioning system. The camera will automatically take a photo every 20 minutes. , and the geographical location is sent back to the developer, and the staff uploads HitchBOT's insights to social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. HitchBOT can automatically recognize the language of passers-by and search for corresponding answers on the Internet to display on the screen. As a travel robot, HitchBOT cannot walk and needs the help of passers-by to reach its destination. The most convenient way is to travel like a backpacker Same as hitchhiking on the roadside.

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