The use of Howland constant current source is not very ideal. The current is always smaller than expected when loaded. Is there any UA-level constant current source chip? Please recommend it to me, th
MAC location: set to 0x10044BCC
Connected N.1 device by ST Link
17:57:53.953: Waiting device to flash - Device connected17:57:54.967: Device Identification - BlueNRG-117:57
Lao Wu's MCU Practice_NO.1 Project Practice : am a traditional industrial control engineer. I have watched a lot of videos on the Internet. Some of them sh
Why Rapid IoT Studio online IDE is called a magic tool, "Anyone can "tweak" or modify device behavior without C language programming." Simple to get started, easy to use! 1. Rapid IoT Studio online ID
I have been studying the BQ76940 material recently and want to develop a BMS. I have been looking for information and encountered some questions in the process. Here is a link to the BQ76940 specifica