I designed a 3-8 priority encoder using vhdl language. When writing a testbench and using modelsim for sequential simulation, it started normally, but an indeterminate state X appeared in the middle (
There are three common topologies for inductor- based switch architecture power supplies, namely BUCK step-down power supply , BOOST step-up power supply and BUCK-BOOST negative voltage power supply .
I would like to ask, in the BPA8505D in the figure below (1), why does the VCC pin output 15V DC pass through capacitor C4 before output? Doesn't the capacitor block DC?(2) Why is VCC connected to the
This article introduces porting FreeRTOS on N32F43x
Download FreeRTOS source code
FreeRTOS official download address: https://freertos.org/a00104.html , download FreeRTOS 202112.00 version, there is a
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