As a 16/32-bit high-performance, low-cost, low-power embedded RISC microprocessor, the ARM microprocessor has become the most widely used embedded microprocessor. While comprehensively introducing the architecture, programming model, instruction system and development tools of the ARM processor, this book takes Samsung\'s Ethernet-based ARM processor S3C4510B as the core to explain in detail the system design, debugging, and related software design and embedded operating system porting, application development, and device driver development process. By reading this book, readers with certain system design capabilities can fully master the various aspects of developing systems based on ARM microprocessors, and thus have the ability to design and develop specific application systems based on ARM microprocessors. This book can be used as a reference manual for ARM-based software programming and hardware system design, as well as a teaching book for 16/32-bit microprocessors and a reference book for embedded system application designers.
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