The MAX1586/MAX1587 are optimized power management ICs for Intel X-ScaleTM microprocessor devices, including third-generation smartphones, PDAs, Internet devices, and other low-power mobile devices that require powerful computing and multimedia processing capabilities. These chips integrate 7 high-performance, low-current power supplies, as well as monitoring and management functions. The regulator outputs include 3 step-down DC-DC outputs, 3 linear regulators, and a normally-on power output. The DC-DC converter outputs can power I/O, DRAM, and CPU cores. The I/O power supply can be preset to 3.3V or adjustable output. The DRAM power supply of devices with suffixes A or C is preset to 1.8V or 2.5V, while the DRAM power supply of the MAX1586B is preset to 3.3V or 2.5V. The DRAM power supply of these devices can be adjusted by external resistors. The CPU core power supply can be programmed through the serial port for dynamic voltage management. The device with suffix C can output 0.9A current. The linear regulated output is used to power SRAM, PLL, and USIM.
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