High-frequency circuits are often highly integrated and have high wiring density. The use of multi-layer boards is necessary for wiring and is also an effective means to reduce interference. In the PCB Layout stage, a reasonable selection of the size of a printed circuit board with a certain number of layers can make full use of the middle layer to set up shielding, better achieve nearby grounding, and effectively reduce parasitic inductance and shorten the transmission length of the signal. At the same time, it can also greatly reduce the cross interference of the signal, etc. All these methods are beneficial to the reliability of high-frequency circuits. When the same material is used, the noise of a four-layer board is 20dB lower than that of a double-layer board. However, there is also a problem. The higher the number of PCB half layers, the more complex the manufacturing process and the higher the unit cost. This requires that when performing PCB Layout, in addition to selecting a PCB board with a suitable number of layers, it is also necessary to carry out reasonable component layout planning and use correct wiring rules to complete the design.
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