Simple hardware constant power control, when long-term repeated over-current applications are required, the output current is doubled and the voltage is half, the starting stress is as low as 1/4, the...
Matlab neural network principle and example analysis :, the use of MATLAB software and commonly used built-in functions are briefly introduced, and the...
The CAN bus of the automotive power system is mainly related to automotive safety. It has high real-time requirements, so the transmission rate is relatively high, usually between 125kb/s-1Mb/s, and m...
Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, I wish you all a happy new year! ! Happy New Year to all netizens! [size=16px]I wish you all:[/size] [size=16px]a rising fortune,[/size] [size=16px]full...
In the figure below, why does this negative voltage output circuit not work?
Vin=24V, the design requires output -12V,the problem now is that after power on, it can output -12V occasionally, but somet...