SIC4200 is a general-purpose bipolar monolithic analog multiplier with built-in nonlinear compensation. It consists of three optimized operational amplifiers with logarithmic-antilogarithmic functions...
Although overflow cannot be completely avoided during program development, it poses a huge threat to the system. Due to the particularity of the system, when overflow occurs, attackers can exploit its...
[font=Tahoma, Helvetica, SimSun, sans-serif][size=14px]It has been raining these days, so I had some free time, so I played around with the oscilloscope. To keep up with the times, I installed WIN7 to...
I am going to use N32G45's 12-bit 5Msps ADC to measure temperature in the range of 0-35 degrees. How should I choose the NTC resistor and the voltage divider resistor? Please give me some advice....