Inductors are commonly used electronic components in circuits and are used in various electronic products. They have a wide range of applications and are widely known by many people. Among inductor co...
For electronic devices, a certain amount of heat will be generated when working, which will cause the internal temperature of the device to rise rapidly. If the heat is not dissipated in time, the dev...
As the title says, recently a PCB flexible board manufacturer sent me a CAD file, which is a split diagram automatically generated by the manufacturer based on the PCB. However, I don’t know which lay...
Because I often encounter the phenomenon that some netizens cannot open PCB files, the reason is that there are many PCB software with different suffixes, and the same suffix is not necessarily the sa...
I am moving to a new house soon. The air quality at home is very worrying. I accidentally saw this review post and got this quota unexpectedly. I am very happy! Thanks to Sensirion! Thanks to EE! With...