The switching function of IGBT is to form a channel by adding a positive gate voltage, provide base current to the PNP transistor, and turn on the IGBT. Conversely, adding a reverse gate voltage elimi...
TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) is mainly used to monitor tire pressure in real time while the car is driving, and to alarm when the tire is low or leaking, to ensure driving safety.There are t...
——Author: TI Technical Support Su ZhichaoIn the test and measurement and medical industries, the original signals collected by many applications are optical signals, such as LiDAR, OTDR, PCR, etc. In ...
Qorvo and X-Microwave join forces to deliver modular building blocks.It is said that
Each module is designed to be used individually in a complete signal chain; when paired with a matching bias or con...