MAX3485 and MAX485 are both 485 communication chips, with operating voltages of 3.3V and 5V respectively. Can the two chips be used together, that is, the output pins A and B of the two chips are conn...
From: ... uit-21e30bThis is a simple inverter circuit based on 13007 transistor, which is very suitable for small loads such as 15w LED bulbs, mobile chargers a...
1. Introduction
FM33LG0 has a 12-bit SAR-ADC with a maximum sampling rate of 2Msps, supports single-ended input and differential input, and can freely select VREFP or VDDA as the REF+ reference voltag...
This reference design implements Class 0.1 split-phase energy metering using high-performance, multi-channel analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Independent ADCs sample the output of current transfor...
During production testing of engines, customized reports are generated based on data logging and the relevant information is analyzed mathematically and statistically ....