TI has improved the high-performance C64x core, greatly improving its performance, and called it the C64x+DSP core. All components of the DSP chip developed based on the C64x+ core are connected with ...
TO92S enclosed 3-pin direct plug-in components have a pin spacing of only 0.45mm. Occasionally, a short circuit will occur between the two pins after welding. Is there any trick to solve this problem?...
This week, I will share a method of using the STM32 microcontroller to communicate with the Erha image recognition sensor through the serial port function. When the Erha image recognition sensor camer...
2 HCN + Au → HAu(CN)2 + H+ + e-, this is the reaction formula of an electrochemical sensor. How do you read HAu(CN)2 in this reaction formula? What are its stability and specific parameters? I can't f...