LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF amplifier basic information:
LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF is an instrumentation amplifier (Instrumentation Amplifiers) from Analog Devices Inc. It belongs to the LTC2053 series of products.
LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF amplifier core information:
The minimum operating temperature of LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF is 0 C and the maximum operating temperature is +70 C. The corresponding working power supply current is 0.95 mA. The output current of each channel is: 10 mA.
The LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF has a power supply rejection ratio of 116 dB. (Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR): An indicator used to determine the impact of the amplifier output on the power supply. PSRR = 20log[(Ripple(in) / Ripple(out))], that is, the larger the value, the less the amplifier output is affected by the power input. The smaller.) The gain bandwidth product (GBP, gain bandwidth product) of LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF is 200 kHz. As a parameter to simply measure the performance of the amplifier, if you are not sure how to choose your amplifier, you can make this a simpler measurement indicators. Its corresponding input voltage noise density is 50 nV/rtHz
When a -5 uV voltage difference is input between the LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF input pins, the output voltage of this amplifier is 0V. (That is, its input bias voltage is - 5 uV)
Related dimensions of LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF:
Number of channels in total: 1 Channel.
LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF amplifier additional information:
And its more detailed single package form is: MSOP-8. When suppliers on the market sell LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF, they use the form: Reel.
LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF amplifier basic information:
LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF is an instrumentation amplifier (Instrumentation Amplifiers) from Analog Devices Inc. It belongs to the LTC2053 series of products.
LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF amplifier core information:
The minimum operating temperature of LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF is 0 C and the maximum operating temperature is +70 C. The corresponding working power supply current is 0.95 mA. The output current of each channel is: 10 mA.
The LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF has a power supply rejection ratio of 116 dB. (Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR): An indicator used to determine the impact of the amplifier output on the power supply. PSRR = 20log[(Ripple(in) / Ripple(out))], that is, the larger the value, the less the amplifier output is affected by the power input. The smaller.) The gain bandwidth product (GBP, gain bandwidth product) of LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF is 200 kHz. As a parameter to simply measure the performance of the amplifier, if you are not sure how to choose your amplifier, you can make this a simpler measurement indicators. Its corresponding input voltage noise density is 50 nV/rtHz
When a -5 uV voltage difference is input between the LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF input pins, the output voltage of this amplifier is 0V. (That is, its input bias voltage is - 5 uV)
Related dimensions of LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF:
Number of channels in total: 1 Channel.
LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF amplifier additional information:
And its more detailed single package form is: MSOP-8. When suppliers on the market sell LTC2053CMS8#TRPBF, they use the form: Reel.
Parameter Name | Attribute value |
Reach Compliance Code | unknown |
ECCN code | EAR99 |
Other features | FILTERED |
body width | 0.494 inch |
subject depth | 0.29 inch |
body length | 2.083 inch |
Body/casing type | RECEPTACLE |
Contact to complete cooperation | AU |
Contact completed and terminated | GOLD |
Contact point gender | MALE |
Contact material | COPPER ALLOY |
contact mode | STAGGERED |
Contact resistance | 10 mΩ |
Contact style | RND PIN-SKT |
Filter function | YES |
maximum insertion force | 3.336 N |
Insulation resistance | 5000000000 Ω |
insulator material | GLASS FILLED POLYESTER |
Manufacturer's serial number | UD |
Plug contact pitch | 0.109 inch |
Match contact row spacing | 0.112 inch |
Installation option 1 | #4-40 |
Installation option 2 | HEX HEAD |
Installation type | PANEL |
Number of rows loaded | 2 |
Maximum operating temperature | 105 °C |
Minimum operating temperature | -55 °C |
Plating thickness | 10u inch |
Rated current (signal) | 5 A |
Guideline | UL |
reliability | COMMERCIAL |
Shell material | STEEL |
Terminal length | 0.108 inch |
Termination type | SOLDER LUG |
Total number of contacts | 25 |
Evacuation force-minimum value | .2224 N |
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