Home > Power Circuits > LED light circuit diagram powered by solar cells

LED light circuit diagram powered by solar cells

Source: InternetPublisher:红水杯 Keywords: LED lights solar cells circuit diagram battery powered Updated: 2020/04/06

 In modern homes, due to limited conditions, natural light cannot be used in bathrooms, dining rooms or living rooms, and lights must be turned on during the day.

  After practice, a high-brightness LED lighting system that can be powered by solar energy during the day and commercial power at night has been produced, which solves this problem well.

  During specific production, the number and power of solar panels should be selected according to the power used , and whether the panels are connected in series or in parallel according to the number of high-brightness light-emitting diodes used. The following takes a set of 3W, 17V solar panels and 20 high-brightness light-emitting diodes as an example to illustrate how to form a home lighting system. The solar panel in the picture is 3W, 17V, and can be placed in a window or balcony where sunlight can be seen. Place high-brightness LEDs in series of five and then connect them in parallel.

  This is because the operating voltage of the light-emitting diode is 3.2~3.5V (rated current is 20mA). In the picture, Kl is the AC switch, and the regulated power supply is 17.5V AC regulated power supply. D1 and D2 are isolation diodes.

  During the day, the solar cell supplies power to light up the light-emitting diodes. At night, close Kl to make the light-emitting diode light up.





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