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Electric soldering iron power saving circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:JFET Keywords: save electricity power supply Updated: 2021/05/26

4. Soldering iron<strong>Power saving</strong><strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

Common soldering irons are generally directly powered by 220V , but in actual work,
sometimes we don't want it to heat up for a long time, which will waste electricity on the one hand. On the other hand, it also
accelerates the aging of the soldering iron tip. Power on when in use and cut off when not in use, and the heating process is
too long. When the circuit below is welding, 2ZOV supplies power and the soldering iron works normally. When
the welding is paused, the diode half-wave rectification is used, and the soldering iron works at a lower voltage to
maintain a certain temperature . When welding is resumed, the soldering iron quickly rises to the normal
temperature without affecting the welding.




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