Home > Consumer Electronics > Capacitor step-down power-saving circuit b

Capacitor step-down power-saving circuit b

Source: InternetPublisher:D先生 Keywords: Capacitor reduces voltage and saves electricity Updated: 2020/01/21

18.<strong>Capacitor voltage reduction</strong><strong>Power saving</strong><strong>circuit</strong>b.gif

Generally speaking, the stairs, corridors, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. in the home do not need very bright lighting. Just install a low-power light bulb . This section
introduces a capacitor energy-saving lamp that can turn a high-power bulb into a low-power one, extend the service life of the bulb, and improve the power factor of the circuit.
    The picture shows the circuit diagram of the capacitor voltage reduction and power saving circuit. Its working principle is to use capacitors as voltage-reducing components in series in the light bulb circuit to
reduce the working voltage of the light bulb, thereby reducing the power of the light bulb. Figure 10-18a shows a series capacitor C and a single
switch SA2 added to the original circuit . SA2 is used to control whether capacitor C is connected or not. Figure 10-18b is a connection method controlled by a single-pole double-throw switch SA
. Both of these connection methods can make the light bulb have two working states. A series of capacitors makes the light bulb have low power; a short-circuited capacitor makes the light bulb glow normally. Figure
10-18c is just a capacitor in series with the original circuit , and the light bulb can only work in a low power state.
  When installing, install the capacitor next to the pull-wire switch. When wiring, the wires and capacitors should be welded together, and the joints should be wrapped with tape
to ensure safety.
    Capacitors should be selected with a rated voltage above 400V, and electrolytic capacitors cannot be used. The capacitance of the series connected capacitor when the power efficiency of commonly used light bulbs of various powers is about Sw




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