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Deformed half-bridge converter electrical schematic diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:兰博 Updated: 2010/11/03

变形的半桥式变换器电原理图 For high-voltage input and high-power output, the circuit method as shown in the figure is generally used. In the circuit, the switching devices V1 and V2 are a group, and V3 and V4 are a group. They are connected in series, which can reduce the withstand voltage of a single tube. In practical application circuits, the switching devices V1, V2, V3, and V4 can be dual-tube or multi-tube in parallel, which can solve the problem of large current output. Sharing transformers can improve transformer utilization and has the ability to resist imbalance. In the deformed series half-bridge power conversion circuit, the maximum withstand voltage value of each switch tube of V1, V2 or V3, V4 is only the Uc1 or Uc2 value. If C1=C2, then Uc1=Uc2=Uin/2 value , so you can choose a switch tube with lower voltage resistance. In addition, V1, V2, V3, and V4 can work in multi-tube parallel mode to increase the output current capacity; the transformer T can work in forward and reverse directions, greatly improving the transformer efficiency. In view of the above advantages, this circuit has been widely used, especially in high voltage input and high power output situations, its application is becoming more and more common.




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