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Non-polar electrolytic capacitor aging circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:无人共我 Updated: 2015/11/04

无极性电解电容器老炼电路 Non-polar electrolytic capacitors are commonly used as starting capacitors for household appliance motors. After it leaks, the motor becomes weak, and may even stop running for a while after starting. Use the R×1k scale of the multimeter to measure it, and the charging and discharging conditions are basically normal. At this time, the circuit as shown in the figure can be used for aging. The power supply G used for refining must use an AC auto-coupling voltage regulator. In the figure, T is a 0~300V/1kVA auto-voltage regulator, A is a 0~100mA AC ammeter, V is a 0~450V AC voltmeter, R is a current limiting resistor, a 50Ω/250W wirewound resistor, and It can be determined based on the number of aged electrolytic capacitors. Before aging, they should be inspected one by one, and those with bulges and obvious defects should be removed. During aging, the applied aging voltage should be gradually increased from low to high. In order to prevent the capacitor from exploding, pay close attention to the changes in voltage and current. Generally, 1 hour of regular exercise is enough.




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