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Three-phase motor operation switching circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:方世玉223 Updated: 2020/04/30

To change the direction of a three-phase motor, just change the wiring of any two phases of the three-phase power supply. In situations where it is necessary to frequently change the running direction of the motor, use a double-throw plastic cover knife switch QS and wire it as shown in the figure to achieve the purpose of changing the running direction of the motor. Operation method: Normally, the knife switch handle is placed in the middle "stop" position; when forward rotation is required, turn the knife switch handle to "forward"; if you want to change direction, turn it to "stop", and then turn it to "stop" after the motor has stopped. "opposite". Vice versa. This commutation circuit is suitable for small motors below 5.5kW. 三相电动机运转换向电路




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