Home > Power Circuits > Stepper motor drive circuit composed of LB1836M

Stepper motor drive circuit composed of LB1836M

Source: InternetPublisher:奥特man123 Keywords: Microcontroller power supply and other power circuits Updated: 2021/07/17

Stepper motor drive circuit composed of LB1836M



In this cable material, pins INl, IN2, IN3 and IN4 are the input terminals of the step pulse. OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, and OUT4 are the output terminals of step pulses, which are connected to the corresponding A, NA, B, and NB of the motor in the thermal print head respectively. The logical relationship between OUT[1:4] and IN[1:4] is OUT=IN. The output drive voltage is controlled by the pin VS. Its voltage determines the working current of the stepper motor, affects the speed of the stepper motor, and determines the speed of paper feeding. The four step pulses at the input terminal of LBl836M can be generated by the four PWM channels of PWM0, PWMl, PWM2 and PWM3 of the microcontroller. The phase relationship of the four-channel PWM is that PWM0 and PWM2 are inverted, PWMl and PWM3 are inverted, and the phase difference between PWM0 and PWMl is π/2. Stepper motor drive circuit composed of LB1836M:




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