Home > Power Circuits > To optimize battery charging, Apple introduces new power management features in macOS

To optimize battery charging, Apple introduces new power management features in macOS

Source: InternetPublisher:jikai233 Keywords: power supply Updated: 2021/07/25

Apple's iPhone has experienced a downclocking incident. I believe most people have heard of it. Now Apple has added a new feature to the macOS Catalina 10.15.5 beta system that users may not notice. This new feature is called "Optimize battery charging" is turned on by default. If you feel it is not needed, you can turn it off through the settings options. Through this function, the device can machine-learn the user's habits of using the device, and then adjust the charging plan according to the user's usage. When the user charges for a long time, after the battery reaches 80%, the system can choose to reduce the charging according to the user's usage habits. Speed ​​or not.

To optimize battery charging, Apple introduces new power management features in macOS

Picture from techspot

If you have paid attention to the updates of the iOS system, you should be familiar with this function. This is a new feature added by Apple in the iOS 13 system. The operating principle is similar to the new feature introduced by Apple on macOS. The purpose of this operation is to reduce battery loss when the device is charging. We all know that most electronic devices are powered by lithium batteries. If the lithium battery is charged at full power for a long time, it will cause battery loss. This function is to intelligently adjust charging after machine learning the user's usage habits.

To give a simple example, if you are used to charging your device overnight when you go to bed at night, when the battery reaches 80%, the system will intelligently reduce the charging power until you are about to get up to use the device. . When you use your phone daily, the system will charge the device at normal charging power.

Prior to this, there was a frequency reduction gate incident on Apple's iPhone, which meant that when the battery health was less than 80%, the system would actively reduce the processor's main frequency. Because of this incident, Apple also launched a preferential battery replacement policy, allowing consumers to replace it with a new battery at a relatively low price to restore the full performance of the device's hardware. The addition of this feature can delay the aging of the device battery to a certain extent.




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