Home > Power Circuits > LTC2053 thermocouple amplification circuit diagram

LTC2053 thermocouple amplification circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:兰博 Keywords: Measurement power switch voltage regulator Updated: 2020/06/20

The amplifier LTC2053 amplifies the output mv model of the thermocouple. Since the LTC2053 works on the sampled input signal, the frequency of interest is generally lower than a few hundred Hz. In this way, adding a 0.1 fog capacitor C1 in the feedback circuit can speed up the response of the amplifier. . Capacitors C2 and C3 connected to the thermocouple input network help absorb radio frequency interference and suppress interference in the thermocouple probe.

Sampling interference occurs. Resistors R6~R9 connected in the thermocouple provide high impedance bias, which maximizes the interference immunity of the probe without voltage drop. Short thermocouples minimize common-mode signals and allow the probe node to be grounded. The 5.1V voltage regulator tube VD1 forms a power supply protection circuit, which prevents overvoltage of the power supply and reverse polarity of the 6V battery. R3 is a current limiting resistor. The working principle of a thermocouple is to generate a potential difference based on the temperature difference between the hot end and the cold end. Since the temperature of the cold end is often not 0°C during actual measurement, the thermocouple needs to be temperature compensated.


LTC2053 thermocouple amplification circuit diagram




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