Home > Power Circuits > Temperature has a great impact on the natural aging process of UPS batteries

Temperature has a great impact on the natural aging process of UPS batteries

Source: InternetPublisher:fish001 Keywords: ups battery Updated: 2020/11/09

Why do we usually think that when we mention UPS batteries, their range is within the range of 15℃~35℃, and the charging voltage does not need to be adjusted with changes in temperature; if the ambient temperature deviates from this range, the charging voltage needs to be adjusted as the temperature changes. Adjust accordingly.

It is normal for the UPS power battery to reduce its power after being left for a long time. The daily power loss of the UPS power battery is 1℃-3%. The rechargeable battery should be charged and used immediately. The UPS battery should be "awakened" in advance for long-term storage.

Temperature has a great impact on the natural aging process of UPS batteries

Slight heat generation during charging is normal. When the UPS battery heats up seriously, stop immediately, otherwise the UPS battery will be damaged. Excessive heating of UPS batteries is generally a problem with the charger, and such chargers should be set to a slow charging state. This charger cannot be used without slow charging function.




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