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Capacitor cleverly used as transformer circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:子丑寅卯 Keywords: Power rectifier unit Updated: 2021/08/10



As shown in the picture, a capacitor is used to replace the commonly used transformer to reduce the 220V mains power to an AC low-voltage circuit required for a rectifier. In the circuit, the voltage is mainly reduced by capacitor C1, with a withstand voltage of 400V; the capacitance of C1 is determined based on the output current. Under the condition of 220V/50Hz, the value of capacitor C1 and the output current are estimated as follows: C=15I where: I is the output current in A; C is in μF. Component selection: C1 can use paper metal film capacitors or paper oil-immersed capacitors, with a withstand voltage of 400V. In order to avoid that there is still charge on C1 when the power is turned off, a 1MΩ bleeder resistor R1 is connected across both ends of C1. Capacitors C2, C3, C4, and C5 are all set up to eliminate modulated hum and other high-frequency interference. C6 is the filter capacitor, RL is the load resistor




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