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Half-bridge power conversion circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:酷到被通缉 Keywords: Comprehensive power supply half-bridge power conversion circuit diagram series capacitor Updated: 2021/12/12

The half-bridge power conversion circuit is a power conversion circuit that can solve the imbalance problem of the push-pull power conversion circuit without adding any circuit complexity. The figure shows a half-bridge power conversion circuit. It can be seen from the figure that in the half-bridge power conversion circuit, one end of the primary winding of the power transformer is connected to the midpoint of the series capacitors C1 and C2. Because of the voltage dividing effect of the capacitor, the DC voltage value at this point is about 1/2 of (/,. The other end of the power transformer is connected to the emitter of the power transistor V1 and the collector of V2 through the capacitor C3. When the power transistor V1 When the transistor V2 is turned on, this point will be connected to the positive terminal of the input bus, producing a voltage pulse of about +Ui/2; when the transistor V2 is turned on, this point will be connected to the negative terminal of the input bus, producing about +Ui /2 voltage pulse. The two power transistors are turned on and off alternately, which generates a square pulse with a peak-to-peak value of approximately Ui on the primary side of the power transformer. Therefore, in the half-bridge power conversion circuit, the maximum withstand voltage of the power transistor is 1/2 in the push-pull power conversion circuit. However, it should be noted that just because the primary voltage of the power transformer is reduced by 1/2, the operating current of the transistor will increase under the same power output conditions.


Half-bridge power conversion circuit diagram

Figure half-bridge power conversion circuit




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