Home > Basic Circuits > 555 RF driver audio oscillator circuit diagram

555 RF driver audio oscillator circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:Lemontree Keywords: RF oscillator circuit circuit diagram audio Updated: 2021/03/08

As shown in the figure, 555 and R1, RP1, C1, etc. form a controllable audio oscillator, f=1.44/(R1+2RP1)C1. The frequency of the parameters shown in the figure is between 600Hz and 20kHz, which can be selected by adjusting RP1 .

Whether the oscillator oscillates or not depends on the level of pin 4 of the reset terminal. When there is no radio frequency signal, pin 4 is at low level, and the 555 is in a stopped state; when there is a specified radio frequency signal, it is detected by the D1 detector diode, and its video signal is added to pin 4. When the signal level is higher than 1V, then When vibrating, the speaker will emit the set audio signal.

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