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Incandescent lamp life extension electronic controller (1)

Source: InternetPublisher:小胖友 Keywords: Incandescent lamp electronic controller Updated: 2021/10/12

1.<strong>Incandescent lamp</strong>Life extension<strong>Electronic controller</strong>(1).gif

The working process of the circuit is: when the switch S is turned on
, since the voltage across the capacitor cannot change suddenly, the voltage across the capacitor C
is zero, and the thyristor is cut off without triggering voltage
. At this time, the current flowing through the bulb H is
the half-wave current rectified by the diode VD2. The bulb preheats and emits dim light, and the inrush
current is very small. If the capacitor C is charged by VDI and Rl,
after a delay of about 0.6s, when the voltage across C rises and reaches
the turn-on level of the thyristor vs, vs is turned on, and the bulb H is lit normally. Since
there is a 0.6s buffer delay time between the cold state and normal lighting of the bulb , the service life of the bulb is extended.




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