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Line controlled three-way music light controller

Source: InternetPublisher:闪电杰克 Keywords: Three-way line control music lantern lantern controller Updated: 2021/03/02

40.<strong>Line control</strong><strong>Three-way</strong><strong>Music lantern</strong> controller.gif

The line control circuit is composed of the sensitivity adjustment potentiometer RP4 and the audio transformer T, etc. The frequency divider is
composed of inductors Ll, ​​L2 and capacitors C], C2, etc. The audio signal from both ends of the speaker is divided by RP4 and
the voltage booster of transformer T through the frequency divider. Audio electrical signals with high, medium and low frequency components can be obtained, and then passed through their respective brightness
trimpots (I:tP1~RP3) to trigger the corresponding triacs VSl~VS3, thus causing the three groups of red, green and blue lights
to flash according to the frequency changes and intensity of their respective music signals.
    Like the ups and downs of the music melody, the "three primary color" lights of red, green and blue will complement each other, producing
unpredictable , allowing people to enjoy endless pleasure.




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